This is an example how to read a value from an inifile with Powershell.
#*************************************************************************** #** Script: ReadIni.ps1 #** Version: 1.0 #** Created: 12/19/2010 11:09AM #** Author: Adriaan Westra #** Website: #** #** Purpose / Comments: #** Get a value from an IniFile #** #** #** Changelog : #** 12/19/2010 11:09AM : Initial version #** 03/08/2011 08:00PM : Added substring to deal with = in returnvalue #*************************************************************************** #*************************************************************************** #** Function: Read-Ini #** Version: 1.0 #** Created: 12/19/2010 11:09AM #** Author: Adriaan Westra #** Website: #** #** Purpose / Comments: #** Read a value from an IniFile. #** ; on the first position of a line is treated as comment in inifile #** #** Arguments : #** $IniFile : Name (and path) of the inifile to read #** $Section : Section which holds the key to read #** $Key : Key of the value to read #** #** Returns : #** The value from the inifile if found #** Null if not found #** #** Changelog : #** 12/19/2010 11:09AM : Initial version #** #*************************************************************************** Function Read-Ini ($IniFile, $Section, $Key) { # Iinitialize $match to false $match = $false # Read the inifile $text = get-content $IniFile # Process the lines read from the inifile in a for loop For ( $i=0; $i -lt $text.length ; $i++) { # If first character = ; (comment line) then skip line if ($text[$i] -match "^;") { Continue } # If First Character = [ then check if it's the correct section If ( $text[$i] -iMatch "^\[") { If ( $text[$i] -imatch "\[" + $Section + "\]") { $match = $true } Else { $match = $false } } # Found the section now process the keys If ($match) { # Split the line on the = , Value[0] holds the key Value[1] holds the value to return $value = [regex]::split( $text[$i],'=') If ($value[0] -eq $key ) { $Pos = $text[$i].indexof("=") + 1 $returnvalue = $text[$i].Substring($pos, $text[$i].Length - $pos) Return $returnvalue } } } # End For loop Return $null } # End Function #*************************************************************************** #** Start of script #*************************************************************************** #** Clear the screen Clear-host #** Initialize the variables $IniFile = "test.ini" $Section = "main" $Key = "test2" #** Call the Read-Ini Function Read-Ini -IniFile $iniFile -Section $Section -key $Key