
Met dit script kun je de ip-configuratie van HP printers aanpassen. getest met HP Laserjet 3035 en HP 4345. De webserver in de printer moet aan staan.

‘** Script: ChgIpHpPrt.vbs
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 9:53 22-3-2012
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Change the IP address on a HP Printer
‘** Naming Convention :
‘** Constants : Starts with Lowercase c
‘** String : Starts with Lowercase s
‘** integer/long : Starts with LowerCase i
‘** single/double : Starts with LowerCase f
‘** array : Starts with Lowercase a
‘** object : Starts with Lowercase o
‘** boolean : Starts with Lowercase b
‘** date : Starts with Lowercase d
‘** Define default variables :
‘** strPath Startup path for the script with trailing backslash
‘** strScript Script name without extension
‘** Functions used :
‘** ExitScript
‘** DisplayHelp
‘** ReadIni
‘** Changelog :
‘** 9:54 22-3-2012 : Initial version

‘** Define error handling
On Error Resume next

‘** Declaration of constants
‘** Script constants
Const cVersion = “1.0” ‘** Script version
Const cAuthor = “A. Westra” ‘** Author of the script
‘** FileAcces
Const cForReading = 1
Const cForWriting = 2
Const cForAppend = 8
‘** IP configuration mode constants
Const cDHCP = 0
Const cBootp = 1
Const cManual = 2
‘** debugging on/off
bDebug = False
‘** Declare oLogFile to be able to use subroutine for open and close of logfile
Dim oLogFile

‘** Get startup path from scriptfullname
iPos = InStr(wscript.ScriptFullName, wscript.ScriptName)
sPath = Mid(wscript.ScriptFullName,1,iPos – 1)

‘** Get the script name from the script
iPos = InStr(wscript.ScriptName, “.”)
sScript = Mid(wscript.ScriptName,1,iPos – 1)

if bDebug Then
End If
‘** Make sure the script is started with cscript
If InStr(wscript.FullName, “wscript.exe”) > 0 Then
if bDebug Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Started with wscript.exe, exit script. ”
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
MsgBox “Please run this script with cscript.exe.” & Chr(13) & _
“For example : cscript ” & WScript.ScriptName & ” /?”, _
vbExclamation, WScript.ScriptName
End If

‘** Get commandline parameters
Set oArgs = Wscript.Arguments
‘** Check if there are any command line parameters
If oArgs.Count <> 0 Then
if bDebug Then
‘** Debug is on write parameters to log
For iCount = 0 to oArgs.Count – 1
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Commandline argument ” & iCount & _
” : ” & oArgs(iCount)
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
‘** Check if help needs to be displayed
If InStr(oArgs(0),”/?”) > 0 Or InStr(UCase(oArgs(0)),”/H”) > 0 _
Or InStr(UCase(oArgs(0)),”/HELP”) > 0 Then
‘** Else process command line parameters
ElseIf InStr(UCase(oArgs(0)),”/LOG”) Then
If not bDebug Then
End If
bLog = True
‘** Commandline parameters expected but not entered
‘** Ask for the parameters
‘ strImageDir = InputBox(“Please enter parameter ” & _
‘ “to process : “,wscript.scriptname, strPath)
End if
End if

‘** Start of script
‘** Current Ip address of printer
sPrinter = “”
‘** New ip config
sNewIP = “”
sNewMask = “”
sNewGW = “”
‘** Networkconfiguration page on the printer
sNetworkPage = “/tcpipv4.htm”
‘** HTTP Prefix
sHttp = “HTTP://”
‘** Compose start URL
sURL = sHttp & sPrinter
‘** Check for printer on the network
If Ping(sPrinter) Then
‘** Write to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> ” & sPrinter & ” is responding”
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
‘** Check if new IP address not in use.
If Ping(sNewIp) Then
‘** Write to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> ” & sNewIp & ” is already in use.”
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
‘** Write to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> ” & sNewIp & ” not in use”
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
End If

‘** Create internet explorer object
Set oIE = CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”)
if bdebug Then
oIE.Visible = True
End If
‘** NAvigate to printer homepage
oIE.Navigate sURL
‘** Wait for Internet Explorer to load page.
‘** Write printermodel to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Printer model ” & oIE.document.Title
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If

sURL = sHttp & sPrinter & sNetworkPage
oIE.Navigate sURL
‘** Write current config to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Current IP cfg method : ” & _
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Current IP address : ” & _
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Current NetMask : ” & _
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Current default Gateway : ” & _
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
‘** Change current config
oIE.Document.all(“ipv4config_type”).options(cManual).selected = true
oIE.Document.getElementsByName(“IPv4_InternetAddress”).Item(0).value = sNewIp
oIE.Document.getElementsByName(“IPv4_NetMask”).Item(0).value = sNewMask
oIE.Document.getElementsByName(“IPv4_DefaultRouter”).Item(0).value = sNewGW
‘** apply changes.
‘** Close Internet explorer
‘** Write to logfile
If bLog Then
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> ” & sPrinter & ” is NOT responding”
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
End If
‘** End of script
‘** Put Functions and Subroutines here !
‘** Sub: ExitScript
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 11:53 22-3-2012
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Handle default actions for closing script. For example close logfile.
‘** Arguments :
‘** Changelog :
‘** 11:55 22-3-2012 : Initial version
Sub ExitScript
if bDebug or bLog Then
‘** Log the end time of the script
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> End of script : ” & Wscript.scriptname
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End If
End Sub
‘** Sub: StartLogging
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 11:53 22-3-2012
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Create folder structure for logging and open log file.
‘** Arguments :
‘** Changelog :
‘** 11:55 22-3-2012 : Initial version
Sub StartLogging
‘** Add logging to the script
If Not IsObject(oFS) Then
Set oFS = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
End If
sLogDir = sScript & “\logs”
‘** Create folder structure for logging
if Not (oFS.FolderExists(sScript)) Then
End If
if Not (oFS.FolderExists(sLogDir)) Then
End If
sLogFile = sLogDir & “\” & sScript & “.log”
Set oLogFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sLogFile, cForAppend, True)
‘** Log the start time of the script
sLogLine = Now & ” ==> Start of script : ” & Wscript.scriptname
oLogFile.WriteLine sLogLine
End Sub
‘** Sub: DisplayHelp
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 24-03-2003 8:22
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Display help for script
‘** Arguments :
‘** Changelog :
‘** 24-03-2003 8:22 : Initial version
Sub DisplayHelp()
sComment = string(2,”*”)
sCmntLine = String(79, “*”)
wscript.echo sCmntline
wscript.echo sComment
wscript.echo sComment & ” Online help for ” & _
Wscript.scriptname & ” version : ” & cVersion
wscript.echo sComment
wscript.echo sComment & ” Usage : cscript ” & _
Wscript.scriptname & ” parameters”
wscript.echo sComment
wscript.echo sComment & ” Purpose : Change ip config of HP ” & _
” LaserJet M3035 MFP.”
wscript.echo sComment
wscript.echo sComment & ” Author : ” & cAuthor
wscript.echo sComment
wscript.echo sCmntline
End Sub
‘** Function: ReadIni
‘** Version: 1.1
‘** Created: 19-03-2003 11:02
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** E-mail:
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Reads a value from an iniFile
‘** Arguments :
‘** sINIFile :Name of the IniFile to read
‘** sSection :Section in the inifile to read from
‘** sKey :Key of the value to read
‘** Changelog :
‘** 19-03-2003 11:15 : Initial version
‘** 19-03-2003 11:25 : Built in UpperCase Check
Function ReadINI(sINIFile, sSection, sKey)
Dim oFSO, oTextFile, sLine

Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sINIFile)

‘loop through each line and check for key value
Do While Not oTextFile.AtEndOfStream
sLine = oTextFile.ReadLine
‘wscript.echo strLine
If UCase(sLine) = UCase(“[” & sSection & “]”) Then
Do While Not oTextFile.AtEndOfStream
sLine = oTextFile.ReadLine
If UCase(Left(sLine, Len(sKey) + 1)) = _
UCase(sKey & “=”) Then
ReadINI = Mid(sLine, InStr(sLine, “=”) + 1)
Exit do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End Function
‘** Function: Ping
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 10/01/2010 21:55
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** E-mail:
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Ping a computer
‘** Change Log :
‘** 10/01/2010 21:55 : Initial Version
‘** Arguments :
‘** strPC : Name of the the PC to ping
‘** Returns :
‘** 0 : Destination ureachable
‘** 1 : Destination responding normal
Function Ping(strPc)
Set objPing = GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}”)._
ExecQuery(“select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = ‘”_
& strPc & “‘”)
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) or objStatus.StatusCode<>0 Then
Ping = 0
Ping = 1
End If
End Function
‘** Sub : WaitForLoad
‘** Version: 1.0
‘** Created: 10/01/2010 21:55
‘** Author: Adriaan Westra
‘** E-mail:
‘** Purpose / Comments:
‘** Wait for Internet Explorer to load a page
‘** Change Log :
‘** 10/01/2010 21:55 : Initial Version
‘** Arguments :
‘** obj : internet explorer object
Sub WaitForLoad(obj)
iTeller = 0
Do While obj.Busy
If bDebug Then
WScript.StdOut.Write( “.”)
End If
iTeller = iTeller + 1
If iTeller > 50 Then
Exit Do
End If
iTeller = 0
Do While obj.readyState <> 4
if bDebug Then
End If
iTeller = iTeller + 1
If iTeller > 50 Then
Exit Do
End If

End Sub

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